05 Apr 2019

Fire protection impairment


15 min read

Fire protection impairment

Prepare for the risk of impairment to minimise the downtime of fire protection systems during systematic maintenence or repair

All fire protection systems need to be maintained and repaired at some stage. Once the work is complete, it is imperative that that the temporarily shut-off valves are reopened and fire protection is systematically reinstated; if not, the premises may remain at risk from fire spread.

Liberty’s Risk Engineers have prepared a guide to help owners and management prepare for planned or unplanned impairments to minimise downtime of protection systems and protect their premises and employees from fire spread.

The Fire protection impairment programme guide is complemented by an easy-to-use Fire protection impairment permit, a Fire protection impairment checklist, and a Record of valve closures to help users keep track of impairments.

Liberty can also supply permit tags, warning stickers and valve tags. (Contact your local office for more information.)

Published by

Liberty Specialty Markets, Australia.